The Laravel Usergroup Munich is a group for developers, software architects and project managers who want to learn, explore and share knowledge about the Laravel PHP Framework. Meet and connect with Laravel enthusiasts in the Munich area. Inspire, be inspired, talk about architecture, code, innovation, and related topics like PHP libraries and general developer tools. All skill levels are...
0 Events - 29 Members - MünchenCarrer & Business
In Zeiten, in denen Algorithmen bestimmen, was wir sehen sollen, auf Daten basierende Visualisierungen unsere Aufmerksamkeit genießen und automatisierte Prozesse unter Verwendung von Service Level Agreements Einzug in den Newsroom halten, werden die Antworten auf die Frage, welches Content-Piece produziere und publiziere ich wann, wie und wo, essentiell. Kein kurzer Satz.
0 Events - 1 Members - MünchenTech
A lot of activities around the automotive Classic Autosar standard happens behind company walls. However many SW developers and integrators have comparable challenges. This community helps exchanging experiences with various Classic Autosar stacks and their usage in production. Practical, tested solutions and experiences around SW development, integration and CI/CD are very welcome.
0 Events - 5 Members - München